This is a quick note about python + pip best practices: never use sudo pip! It creates files only readable by root and breaks your python install.
Instead, always run pip install with –user:
# E.g.
pip install --user <package>
# Or
/path/to/specific/python -m pip install --user <package>
After installing packages, python should already be searching the user director as part of sys.path
Related error from not doing this: ImportError: No module named virtualenv
What’s the difference? sudo pip install VS pip install –user
Also, versioned dependencies is a nightmare and not installing random packages system wide is a good thing. Using virtualenv and alternatives is also good: What is a virtualenv, and why should I use one?
python -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
which python
# prints /here/env/bin/python
which pip
# prints /here/env/bin/pip
pip install <package>